Jyoti Pai (Harvey)

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Jyoti Pai Hatha Yoga

I found yoga (or yoga found me in 1999) when on a quest to study more about my roots (my father is from India and my mother is from England). This quest took me travelling around India on my own for 6 months.

Although I had been visiting India regularly from the age of 3, I had not really grasped the yoga culture or even its practice…despite my half Indian origins.

Whilst travelling around India, I stumbled across a yoga school in the far south and loved it… qualified as a teacher, stayed a further 2 years in the ashram to hone my skills, then taught on a nearby touristy beach for a further 3 years.

On my return to the UK I started teaching classes in Winchester (Hampshire).


In 2020 Covid hit and so many yoga teachers were forced online, I absolutely loved teaching online classes and have stayed teaching online ever since …

I have a very good tech set up (surprising as am not at all techy) which means I use a good quality web cam to beam my classes out to your laptop/tablet or phone and I also have a very large monitor to keep a watchful eye on your practise and gently verbally correct where necessary. This set up can be seen in the “Zoom set up and classes” section of my Gallery.

I teach gently, with some humour thrown in and love to connect with my students at start of class. We especially like to involve the pets… they love a bit of yoga and if they can sit on your mat/ chair to make yoga slightly more challenging then that’s what they like to do! They are very much part of our yoga family.


I realised the moment I started practising yoga in the ashram in India in 1999 that it was a practise I connected with deeply and immediately wanted to share the multiple benefits I was experiencing.

I chose to carry on learning and teaching yoga in the yoga school daily for 2 years after qualifying to get as much experience and knowledge as I could, in fact I would attend further Teacher training classes whilst there, just to make sure the knowledge sunk in!

This constant urge to share has kept me teaching for almost 24 years.

I went to Rishikesh , (Northern India) in 2006 for 4 months to learn in the “Yoga City” of India.

It’s been important to me to also gain more yoga knowledge along the way and I have studied many forms and styles of yoga from various masters of yoga in many countries including India, Egypt, Turkey, Spain and Italy.

I am also Birthlight pregnancy yoga trained, have studied first aid for yoga teachers and in 2020 I studied under Alanna Kaivalya to experience a  contemporary 200Hr Yoga teaching program to keep me  fresh in my field.  I intend to always acquire yoga experience to share with my students.