Allison Alexander

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 Allison Alexander Hatha Flow and Yin Yoga

Allison Alexander is passionate about all aspects of yoga, and knows from her own experience how life enhancing and transformational this practice can be.

She loves to share the potential of yoga, believing it can help each of us cultivate deep inner fulfillment, a greater sense of meaning & freedom and a stronger connection with the natural rhythms of life

Her thoughtful teaching encourages you to find the joy of deep connection with the body, the heart, the mind and the soul.

Allison teaches a flow style practice, using the integration of breath and body to move from one wonderful posture to the next, holding the poses long enough to experience them deeply and uniquely for each person. In this way the practice becomes a moving meditation which has the potential to enhance physical strength & flexibility, improve psychological focus & concentration and create emotional peace & tranquility.

Allison has been influenced by the wisdom and experience of many wonderful teachers, and is fortunate to have been trained and encouraged by many knowledgeable yogis who have guided her and continue to do so.

For Allison yoga is a joyful  life long practice to which she is dedicated. She is continually expanding her knowledge and experience. She is an experienced 500 hour Yoga Alliance teacher, teaching Vinyasa Flow Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra.

All practices of Yoga will include asana, pranayama, meditation, and relaxation.


Start your day with an energising, joyful practice.

On this retreat the morning practice will be a grounding and energising Hatha Flow which will include asanas, pranayama, and meditation.
We will create strength & flexibility for the body, focus & concentration for the mind, peace and tranquility for heart and soul.

The evening practice will be a relaxing and restorative Yin and Yoga Nidra.

We start with a slow flow sequence, using the integration of breathe and body to move from one powerful posture to the next.

We will create warmth and heat for the body, focus & concentration for the mind, peace and tranquility for heart and soul.

Once the body is warm and supple we are ready to glide into the slow, held postures of the yin sequence.